As lead page designer, I was responsible for making the front pages of The Daily Collegian every week, with full creative freedom. The managing editor decided on the subject between 5-10 hours before the file was sent to the printing presses (even if it wasn't finished). Roughly 4,900 copies were distributed in University Park and State College, Pa., on Fridays during the semester.
If this job taught me one thing, it's how to work under pressure! Sometimes, I was given an artistic direction, and other times, only the article. I included what prompts I received for each front and what tools I used. Click on the images to read the full editions!
No instruction, hand-drawn
No instruction, hand-drawn
No instruction, Photoshop
"Incorporate photos," Photoshop
No instruction, hand-drawn
No instruction, hand-drawn
"Anxiety," hand-drawn
"Adventure," Illustrator
"Missing poster," Illustrator